The hidden relation of autism, ADHD, and depression which reveals the effective cause and cure.

Some good signs have shown me that I am on the right way. I love to help more

Sara Jad  6:46 PMWow, thank you very much for accepting my request I loved reading those precious words. You are very resourceful !””Wooooow! I am in utter awe, this is amazing! Thank you sooo much for sharing your answer with me! I enjoyed every bit of it.”

“The hidden relation of autism, ADHD, and depression which reveals the effective cause and cure.” 

As you see, they lack social skills, they cannot talk: language is the product of living environment – as your native language and my native language, we speak it naturally without thinking at all. We are not born with our native language, so I doubt their connection with their living environment and/or the state of mind that they can not/don’t want to learn. You can test them with Aesop fables(they do not understand), pretending game – they do not understand, interacting, communicating or persuading. They are in the low level of this. For official test: you can test them with EQ test, and Aesop stories, metaphors. All these low-level vital skills make them never feel safe, connection to the environment: it makes them stress. Over time, it makes the downward spiral that make them more and more lack of social skills and suffer more stress.


Dear Neurologist, psychiatrist, sociologist, gastroenterologist, urologist, educators, sleep therapists, cardiologist, language therapists, educators, trainers, teachers: there is no separation in the health of heart, stomach, muscle, cognitive thinking, sleeping, hormone system: all are interdependent and under the state of mind. IT IS THE ADVANTAGES OF EASTERN PHILOSOPHY AND THE BASIC OF EASTERN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE.


Remember when working with the MIND: irrational mind, the giant brain evolved for millions of years, illogical mind and Placebo effects, Neuro-plasticity, Mirror neurons, self affirmation, self-talk, nocebo effects, T1/2 of all substances, taboos, rituals, religious belief, compound effects, CONDITIONED RESPONSES, and MAGICAL ADAPTABILITY, ILLUSIVE MIND, Self healing/destroying, IRRATIONAL THINKING, Subliminal message, Marketing of luxury brand, and Hysteria: what do we feed the mind of beings everyday? AND what if all of these lead to negativity or positivity? Maybe Outliers or Failures!

5 mins of rapping can affect the whole life.

5 mins of abusing can make victims fear whole life

1 min of bombing, earthquake, fear, hysterical stress the killing can affect their whole life.

It creates the conditioned of Fight and Flight that they can not consciously control.

They rarely joy

It is said by genes
So they accept it as gifts
Or nobles term, not diseases
Even they take more expensive medication than others.
How I know they are under stress: read their behaviors, read the body language. Under stress state, stress chemicals: adrenalin, noradrenalin, and cortisol will dominate the body. The effect is listed in any medical book, look closer we can see all these effects are available in kids, to some extents, the effects caused by stress chemicals are the best answer for the autistic rainbow. Sorry, they are not happy with the label GIFTED.
Yes: all in one, one in all. Do you think they are stress because of lacking social skills so the suffer stress during interaction: even in families, school, and society? So they do not have a chance to learn, to grow and gain vital skills. We are not alone the victims. And to some extent, one not only the victims but also the creators.


The right definition of stress: human beings have basic human needs described by Abraham Maslow. Anything threatens of satisfying these needs will lead to Fight and Flight responses. IF people cannot change the situation, threaten, they will be the victims of STRESS AND STRESS HORMONES.

Real needs of beings and the real lack of modern people: we can make qualitative or quantitative studies to see the effects of these four factors:1. Unconditional love: love with greed, anger, ignorance is not real love. Right love should be with UNDERSTANDING: the self, other, and situation.

2. Connection: people, animal, diversified nature, understanding with parents: technology cut all chance of connection and make poor of any connection people have( speaking, native language, habit, belief, the pattern of thinking, religious belief, and rituals, taboos are products of connection to the environment)
3. Chances or suitable problems to build muscle, the ability to help them deal with the fact of life. (The way of self-made millionaires raise their kids)
4. Unstressed environment: happy, warm, cheering; then make them have the feeling of safety, certainty to work, try, play, do and fail… they have more skill and abilities to deal with the needed problems, the challenge in life.

Understand the characters of problems, we will know the hidden Causes: We are an interdependent world: no single cause create all thing, but all things are in the interdependent web. So how can we blame for food, genes, chemicals, guns, drugs for our problems?We may think genes of the family: WHAT IF GENE IS PRODUCT OF ENVIRONMENT as genes of Cold/Hot weather? They interact in the hidden web, to some extent, just a Blink (Malcolm Gladwell)!


EARLY DETECTION AND INTERVENTION CAN BE DONE SINCE 2,3 OR 4 MONTHS OLD: READ ALL THE THINGS WE SEE: pay attention to the responses, interested, sleeping, eating, crying, talking and smile back, shaking hands and body when parents talk directly to them. Do this regularly, you if you see the signs of not paying attention or indifference: the early signs of stress, over time children, may get more severe problems in the brain and mental problems. Parents can have the best early simple intervention. READ FIGHT, FLIGHT or INDIFFERENCE SIGNALS.Do you have gut feelings that we all of the problems we treat depend on the state of mind? The fluctuation of the state of mind may determine the quality of treating. The symptoms may reduce when patients feel better, in a good state of peace of mind (Zen masters, happy men are the ones use the least medicine)The highest teaching of Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jesu teaches about love, kindness, and golden rules. Yin – Yang, Buddhism, Lao Tzu teach about the emptiness, egoless, nothingness of the interdependent world, so the best way of living in that society is to treat well with others. Go against that, or living with three poisons: Greed, Anger, and Ignorance: we will suffer? So Who suffer first in the angry, greedy communities, and how is the mechanism require the join hands of all people?Language is a vital skill: with connect variation of sound to specific meaning, it is not easy at all, but it takes times and supports to gain it; it is skilled as others skills that they lack: learning skills mainly not caused by genes!


Maybe Effects of stressed mind on the brain, body, world? In mind, the brain we called mental problems, insomnia, headache, suicide problems, social problems.

Effects of stress on the stomach, intestine we called the stomach problems, gastrointestinal problems; on heart, vein, we call cardiovascular diseases. 
Stress on the school: school problems
Stress on the world we called human problems, which may lead to World War.
Stress start from the state of mind. It is in the cluster: suicide, autism, ADHD, depression have the same hidden cause. We still cheat yourself that the soaring number of autism, ADHD, and depression come from diagnosing… no, we are wrong. These problems have hidden relations; the number of suicide goes also goes with other numbers. And death from suicide does not come from DIAGNOSING!

Ebook awaken you wonderful we available free on kdp library from Van Dao Duy

The light at the end of the tunnel: Nick Vujicic, Hellen Keller, Franklin D. Rosevelt, Steven Hawking, Paralympic athletes are disabled.As pharmacists, we do not dispense prescribed medication to healthy ones.

ASKING THE SAGE: “HOW THERE ARE SO VARIOUS PEOPLE?” HE SAID: “ONLY BABIES ARE BORN!” and he smiled: ” We are living on heavenly earth.” ” It is Nature, not God””Awaken You Wonderful we” Useful ideas in my book on Amazon and free read on KDP, Facebook pages, and my facebook account

Van Duy Dao from Vietnam, born 1986, is a pharmacist, learner of personal development. Philosophy in studying is lifelong learning, from everyone, everywhere and study in joy, happiness from the drive inside.The school with teachers: books, internet, video, forum, every people; Van’s teachers is also the well-known speakers, authors: Stephen Covey, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Peter Drucker, John. C Maxwell, Daniel Pink, Jim Collin, Jame Allens, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Seth Godin, Micheal Porter, Darren Hardy, Richard Branson, Tony Robbin, Daniel Goleman, Malcolm Gladwell, Wayne Dyer, Hanh Thich Nhat, Richard Mathieu, and many successful authors.
Most of the authors value the attitude, principles, virtue, brain, and mind to the success but there are little support evidence and a lot of debating in society.The author is proud to be a pharmacist, but he is ashamed of the failure of knowledge and the medication in healing many UN-KNOWN Causes. Most of the medications only make temporal relief and many medications chronic patients have to take in their lifetime. Worst of all: mental illness, depression, ADHD, Autism, suicide, and gunfire, social problems seem to go against all the advancement in the economic, standard living and Giant leap in technology. He keeps on searching.
The author’s advantage is the general knowledge of medicine, physiology, psychology, pharmacology, management, marketing, selling, persuading, motivating, AND best of all the author has chances to mix: Eastern Philosophies: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism which full of paradoxical subtle profound knowledge in the art of living, virtues, purposeless, pace of nature to gain success, happiness, and inner-peace in daily life; and logical concrete Western philosophy: Questioning, reasoning, purposefulness, logical philosophy, scientific philosophy.The author keeps on reading, searching, reflecting, questioning and meditating to find the correct answers to all human problems. Zen Buddhism or meditation helps the author understand: “Shallow ignorant apply of Eastern philosophy not only makes people fail in making the success but also gaining happiness. They may suffer misery because of their greed, anger, and ignorance”

Thank you for your support, thank you all.

Time for contemplation: mixing pictures to find out the cause and cure


Giúp mọi người thành bác sĩ của chính mình. Và làm dần, đủ độ, khỏi cả bệnh mãn tính, thoái hóa, gai, huyết áp thấp, lạnh tay chân, cao huyết áp, nhịp tim cao tiểu đường.

Sách “Tự chữa bệnh không dùng thuốc” không sử dụng khái niệm y học phức tạp, đưa y học, khoa học, đời thường thành các bài thực hành phổ thông, dễ học, dễ thực hành cho mọi người.

Nguyên lý y học, thực hành thì cơ học, đơn giản. Có nguyên lý của tự khám, cách tự chữa, và tự sờ biết được khỏi hay chưa, còn hay không.

Cơ sở xoa bóp, bấm huyệt biết áp dụng sẽ nhân bội hiệu quả trong trị liệu mà nhàn, không mất sức, quan trọng là tác động tận gốc tạng và gốc khí huyết.

Hội nhóm tình nguyện khi biết làm (chỉ 1 vài buổi) thì cả trăm tình nguyện viên có thể thành nhà trị liệu cho cộng đồng. Và sản phẩm đơn giản, dễ làm, giúp cộng đồng khỏe mãi nhiều năm sau.

Ngành: Gốc thiếu ở nêu vấn đề. Và sai ở nêu giải pháp. Khi bệnh trên cơ thể vật lý chủ yếu chỉ là DO thể TẮC, CỨNG, LẠNH vật lý.

5 phút tự ấn bụng, vỗ lưng, ngực, gõ ấn bàn chân, bàn tay kiểm tra nhanh, sờ nhiệt chân tay là biết thể trạng, khỏe hay không, tắc ở đâu..

Cuốn sách không thể thiếu cho mọi người, cơ sở xoa bóp, bấm huyệt, phòng mạch, và người chăm sóc bệnh nhân.

Tác giả, ds Văn. Admin web và khóa học online cùng tên.

Tác giả cuốn Awaken You Wonderful We phiên bản tiếng anh trên Amazon.

Và hướng dẫn các khóa online về tâm lý, thiền, chăm sóc trẻ, tự chữa bệnh trên nền tảng Edumall, Unica với hơn 50.000 học viên.

Khỏi không cần thuốc
Mọi LÚC, ở mọi NƠI, với mọi THỨ.

  1. KHI:
    Ngồi xem
    Ngồi chém gió
    Nằm xem
    Nằm chát
    Gọi điện tám
    Xem phim
    Ca hát thở
    Đi trên xe
    Bay trên máy
    Ngồi đợi
    Ngồi không
    Ngồi ăn
    Nằm sấp
    Nằm ngửa
    Đi bộ
    Đạp xe
    Cạnh bàn trà
  2. VỚI ĐỒ
    Ống hút
    Giấy ăn
    Chun, dây tái chế
    Vỏ Chai, bình bỏ đi
    Sỏi, đá, cát, gỗ xung quanh
    Gỗ, ghế, dây, gậy
    Gờ tường, góc, thành ghế
    Chấn song
    Song sắt
    Quen rồi thì
    Mọi thứ trong tầm tay.
    Hơi thở
    Vẩy tay
    Máy sấy tóc
    Dầu gió
    Lược, thìa, đũa, que

    Hì, hà, hù, hóp, ấn, dấn, đưa tay
  3. Ở:
    Công viên
    Cafe quán
    Sân chơi
    Tại giường
    Tại bếp
    Hội thảo
    Đồng ruộng
    Góc phòng
    Bàn trà nhậu
    Cỗ cưới, xin, ma, chay
  4. Khi ăn ĐỦ No
    Đồ ăn dân giã
    Cụ ta xưa
    nghèo đói thèm,
    không kén chọn,
    ăn suốt ngày
    Khỏe suốt đêm
    Đẻ suốt năm
    mà không biết ốm.
    Ăn key:
    Đủ KCAL quan trọng
    Thiếu Kcal là con nhà
    chuẩn chết đói
    ĂN theo
    nhu cầu ăn,
    Hay ngủ,
    Hay gõ máy tính trong nhà lạnh,
    Hay gõ mõ,
    ít vận động tay chân,
    thi đấu,
    hay làm như trâu.
    Có em kêu gầy
    Gầy khác gì đói
    Gầy cần ăn thêm
    Không ăn được thì
    Sau ăn
    Nhẩm kcal,
    dỗ 1 cốc sữa đặc
    Năng lượng hơn 3 bát cơm

    DỄ TRÔI.
    Đừng khôn thế
    Kẻo suy dinh dưỡng trên đống của
    Chết trên đống đồ ăn
    Mua máy đường máu mà đo.
    Tuần 3 lần mà xem.
    Khôn quá hóa dại là HỎNG.
    LINH HOẠT ĐỦ một, hai, ba, bốn
    Sẵn tâm hay giúp người
    Người hay niệm adida
    Tâm phóng sinh
    Ta sẽ tự khỏi
    Tự khỏe
    Tự phòng
    Tự chữa
    Tự đem lại niềm vui cho người
    Cho mình
    Linh Đàm, Hanoi t6/28/5/2021
    Cbkdt Văn
    Còn bệnh ib Zalo 0929550744. Ko thuốc, ko tpcn, liệu pháp tự nhiên.

Tự chữa bệnh ko dùng thuốc: tổng hợp dinh dưỡng, tự vỗ, rung, ép, ấn, cào, chà, thông chỗ tắc: Aa Áa Ái Tị Huyệt. Vô sinh, cao/thấp h.áp, tiểu đường, mỡ máu, mất ngủ, đau mãn, ngứa, viêm da…

TỰ KHÁM TỔNG QUÁT Xem bệnh của tạng, tìm điểm tắc bên trong: Làm theo Tự khám tìm chỗ tắc thấy sao?

Đau là tắc, ngoài tắc ở tay nó còn có phản xạ tạng tại tạng cơ quan là bệnh của cơ quan, giảm của chức năng, xơ, cứng lạnh đi với ù, mờ,,đục, xanh…

Duy Văn

Ebook awaken you wonderful we available free on kdp library from Van Dao Duy

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