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The solutions are in the book “Awaken You Wonderful We” which shows Health, emotion, and abilities are presented in all things around.

The solutions are in the book “Awaken You Wonderful We” which shows  Health, emotion, and abilities are presented in all things around. In the inter-be world:”All on oneOne in allChildren are family The family is a nation A nation is a world.” Awaken You Wonderful We:Health, emotion, and abilities are presented in all things around….

List of the best writings in the web Awakenyouwonderfulwe.com listed from A To Z

Contents of the Book: Awaken you wonderful we Popular Posts Awaken parents, teachers, leaders, – the saving for Autism, ADHD, Failure, Depression, Suicide, Mental illness, and other problems learned from the conversations of the OldAwaken You Wonderful We – Letter to Readers, Parents, Politicians, Scientists to save the victims of Autism, ADHD, Depression, and Suicide…

Seasonal Stress in America and World kill the most, not cold, heat or flu

Seasonal Stress in America Stress month of America is the January and February because it is the time to pay the debt on credit card: the highest death rate and heart diseases. The financial burden is so heavy for them because they have over spent on the shopping season and black Friday before Christmas and…

Problem-solving skills: are you learning the root or learning tops? New view

Problem-solving skills: are you learning the root or learning tops? New view Retrieved from lessons 3.Problem-solving skills, New view from Awaken you wonderful weMany people complain that they have a lot of work, backing home with many works. Flooding in work, study, and family, they do not have free time for themselves. They start learning problem-solving…

Problem-solving skills: are you learning the root or learning tops? New view

Problem-solving skills: are you learning the root or learning tops? New view Retrieved from lessons 3.Problem-solving skills, New view from Awaken you wonderful weMany people complain that they have a lot of work, backing home with many works. Flooding in work, study, and family, they do not have free time for themselves. They start learning problem-solving…

Seasonal Stress in America and World kill the most, not cold, heat or flu

Seasonal Stress in America Stress month of America is the January and February because it is the time to pay the debt on credit card: the highest death rate and heart diseases. The financial burden is so heavy for them because they have overspent on the shopping season and Black Friday before Christmas and New…


PARADOXES OF HARVARDPARADOXES OF THE RICH.PARADOXES OF MORE SORRY, With Coded hysterical angry stressed MIND, any tools: bottles, cars, trucks, airplanes, GUNS, protective tools, protective weapons can become the tools to harm, make hurt or kill othersBUT:But with Coded grateful, happy, kind, peace MIND/men,  any tools: bottles, cars, trucks, airplanes, GUNS, protective tools, gas, protective…

SCIENCE- KNOWLEDGE- What are they???

We need to discuss for Right Understanding:  SCIENCE??? KNOWLEDGE??? What are they? Wrong useless opinions supported by modified proofs scientifically. Or useful ideas that cant calculated with the logical equation of science?PARADOXES OF SCIENCE:Are most simple ideas of a few great men, philosophers in tiny writing are science or not: Lao Tzu, Jesu Christ, Socrates, Benjamin Franklin,…

Must know about autism, delayed speech: the key to prevent and cure autism.

Are there any autistic kids communicate well, talk well in special schools? I see NONE!  So can we prevent autism from preventing delayed speech? Đợi đến mẫu giáo thì đã muộn – vai trò của thời gian quý báu đầu đời. Vô cùng tàn nhẫn, vô cùng yêu thương – bố mẹ có thể tàn…

Understanding, Predicting, Preventing and Healing Autism, Delayed Speech from A to Z

Are there any autistic kids communicate well, talk well in special schools? I see NONE!  So can we prevent autism from preventing delayed speech? Đợi đến mẫu giáo thì đã muộn – vai trò của thời gian quý báu đầu đời. Vô cùng tàn nhẫn, vô cùng yêu thương – bố mẹ có thể tàn…

AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE ebook is free From Monday, September 9, 2019, 12:00 AM PDT to Wednesday, September 11, 2019

AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE: One-page table reveals all the real causes of phenomena and problems: Ability – ADHD, Autism – Depression – Belief system – Gut feelings – Learning -Talent. “From Monday, September 9, 2019, 12:00 AM PDT to Wednesday, September 11, 2019 https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/shelves/book.php?id=326781Awaken You Wonderful We: How Do We Create Heaven on Earth? by…