Nguyên nhân và giải pháp liên quan Học Kém, Kém Tập Trung, Tự Kỷ, Tăng Động, Quấy Phá ở trẻ và Mất ngủ, Suy Nhược ở người lớn.

Tại sao bs họ chuẩn đoán nhanh, kê đơn nhanh mà bệnh thì không khỏi, phải dùng thuốc cả đời mà không khỏi? Căng thẳng, nóng nảy hay stress có 3 hormon: Epinephrine (adrenalin), norepinephrine: cho căng cơ, dồn máu về trung ương, thu rút máu ở ngoại vi làm lạnh chân tay, đỏ mặt…


STRESS MOMENTS The world is spending half of it money buying weapon to find safety and peace or certainty then they spend: $ thousand billion medicine, luxury products, cars, villas for find the feeling of significant, recognition, important, and they spend other $ trillions on medication, drug with the hope of sleeping well, relaxed, relief,…

Countdown of the book “Awaken You Wonderful We” on Amazon

My book is available on Amazon AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WEHow do we create heaven on earth?The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems:Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them:AbilityAutoimmune diseasesBelief systemGut feelingsHysteria***********LearningLearning difficultiesMental problemsADHDAlcohol use disordersAnxiety disordersAutism*************Behavioral disordersConduct disordersDepressionDrug use disordersEating disorders*****************SuicidePhysical healthSchool problemsStressTalent Brief…

The hidden realtion between Autism, ADHD, Depression, Autoimmune Diseases, Diabetes and Suicide

AUTISM, ADHD, DEPRESSION, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES, DIABETES and SUICIDE Is there any unknown hidden relation?WHY and HOW to prevent. We may regret if you do not know these answers.A stress moment can kill a student.A stress moment can kill a bankerA stress moment can kill a CEOA stress moment can kill a politicianThey are strong but…


PHỤ HUYNH ẢNH HƯỞNG ĐẾN CON TRẺ NHƯ THẾ NÀO? YÊU CON ĐÚNG CÁCHTHƯ GỬI PHỤ HUYNH: A/C/E = em. Dear em!Rất cảm ơn các em đã rất quan tâm đến các con cháu trong nhà, trên đây là một số hiểu biết, gợi ý của anh về cách yêu thương trẻ sao cho yêu…

Lifelong learning from: Looking, Watching and Contemplating

Lifelong learning from Looking, Watching and Contemplating From Awaken you wonderful we1.       Watching a strong girl screaming and running away when seeing a cockroach, I understand the power of character and the weakness of knowledge and intelligence.2.       Watching a healthy fainted when seeing someone is bleeding, I understand the power of things in his mind and the weakness…

New view of diseases that helps healing most chronic diseases, chronic problems

HOW TO HAVE CALM, PEACEFUL MIND, AND HAPPY LIVING BY SIMPLE MEDITATION AND THE SHARING OF THICH NHAT HANH ABOUT THE TEACHING OF BUDDHA and LAO TZU All are suffering stress because of treating poorly with each other. She/ he/ kids do not suffer alone. All can check to see the state of the world.Do…

Yes to can autism, ADHD, depression be predicted, prevented, and healed

This answer is part of my book: “Yes to can autism, ADHD, depression is predicted, prevented, and healed”. These are quick brief of my works As you see, they lack social skills, they cannot talk: language is the product of living environment – as your native language and my native language, we speak it naturally…


PHỤ HUYNH ẢNH HƯỞNG ĐẾN CON TRẺ NHƯ THẾ NÀO? YÊU CON ĐÚNG CÁCHTHƯ GỬI PHỤ HUYNH: A/C/E = em.Dear em!Rất cảm ơn các em đã rất quan tâm đến các con cháu trong nhà, trên đây là một số hiểu biết, gợi ý của anh về cách yêu thương trẻ sao cho yêu con đúng…

Lifelong learning from: Looking, Watching and Contemplating

Lifelong learning from Looking, Watching and Contemplating From Awaken you wonderful we1.       Watching a strong girl screaming and running away when seeing a cockroach, I understand the power of character and the weakness of knowledge and intelligence.2.       Watching a healthy fainted when seeing someone is bleeding, I understand the power of things in his mind and the weakness…