Vượt qua tật xấu cá nhân cuả người Việt – Tham Sân Si và thiền định của Phật giáo

Tu theo Phật giáo là để vượt qua tham – sân – si.  Theo ý hiểu cơ bản của cá nhânTham theo nghĩa đơn giản là muốn nhiều hơn, có ít muốn nhiều, muốn cả của người khác. Nhưng phân tích sâu hơn trong bài giảng Tham Sân Si của thầy Thích Chân Quang, khi…

10 sách hay cho người thành công ở Việt Nam

Sách hay cho người thành công ở Việt Nam Chọn lọc từ danh sách 25 cuốn sách hay nhất giành cho phát triển bản thân của tạp chí Success, dưới đây là top 10 cuốn có mặt ở Việt Nam TRONG HÀNG TRĂM CUỐN SÁCH TRÊN THỊ TRƯỜNG, TÔI ĐÃ THAM KHẢO, ĐỌC VÀ TRA…

Lifelong learning from: Looking, Watching and Contemplating

Lifelong learning from Looking, Watching and Contemplating From Awaken you wonderful we1.       Watching a strong girl screaming and running away when seeing a cockroach, I understand the power of character and the weakness of knowledge and intelligence.2.       Watching a healthy fainted when seeing someone is bleeding, I understand the power of things in his mind and the weakness…

The hidden relation of autism, ADHD, and depression which reveals the effective cause and cure.

Some good signs have shown me that I am on the right way. I love to help more “Sara Jad  6:46 PMWow, thank you very much for accepting my request I loved reading those precious words. You are very resourceful !””Wooooow! I am in utter awe, this is amazing! Thank you sooo much for sharing your answer…

Review of the book: Awaken You Wonderful We from OnlineBookClub

[Following is an official OnlineBookClub.org review of “AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WEThe secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems:Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them: Ability, Autoimmune diseases, Belief system, Gut feelings, Hysteria, Learning, Learning difficulties, Mental problems, ADHD, Alcohol use disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism, Behavioral…

On health: autism, ADHD, Depression and happiness.

HOW CAN WE PREVENT AND CURE AUTISM, ADHD, MENTAL ILLNESS AND SUICIDE?The cause and CureThe answer is YES: If we realize the Effects of stress on mind, body, world?In mind, the brain we called mental problems, insomnia, ADHD a headache, suicide problems, social problems.Effects of stress on the stomach, intestine we called the stomach problems,…

Religions of kindness: River, pond, sea, the lake is the different names but contain one thing: water, so do the religions.

Religions of kindness. River, pond, sea, lake are the different name of things contain water, so do the religions. Awaken parents wonderful kidsAwaken teachers wonderful studentsAwaken physicians wonderful patientsAwaken leaders wonderful world.Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jesu, … taught and live with this.But shallow of love may make the pain more than love. True love is love with…

Seasonal Stress in America and World kill the most, not cold, heat or flu

Seasonal Stress in America Stress month of America is the January and February because it is the time to pay the debt on credit card: the highest death rate and heart diseases. The financial burden is so heavy for them because they have overspent on the shopping season and Black Friday before Christmas and New…

SCIENCE- KNOWLEDGE- What are they???

We need to discuss for Right Understanding:  SCIENCE??? KNOWLEDGE??? What are they? Wrong useless opinions supported by modified proofs scientifically. Or useful ideas that cant calculated with the logical equation of science?PARADOXES OF SCIENCE:Are most simple ideas of a few great men, philosophers in tiny writing are science or not: Lao Tzu, Jesu Christ, Socrates, Benjamin Franklin,…

As the mind, so the behaviorsAs the thoughts, so the acts As the mind, so the handAs the mind, so the walkAs the mind, so the eatAs the mind, so the sleepAs the mind, so the kind of diseasesAs the disease, so the genesFail in psychology lead to illnessFail in intervention autism may lead to…