Đạo là trung dung. Hiểu vô thường, vỗ ngã, vô danh thì hiểu trung dung. Không chấp phái, danh. 🤎Cái gì QUÁ là lệch trung dung dễ dẫn tới diệt vong. Gầy quá, hàn quá, lạnh quá, xơ cứng quá, đói/ốm quá, nhịn quá, khổ/đau/vất quá, mất thời gian quá cho thứ nhỏ, kỹ/cẩn thận quá,…
Part of the ebook: Ebook awaken you wonderful we available free on kdp library Contents of the book Awaken you wonderful we – Van Duy Dao AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE: How do we create heaven on earth? The secret of the one – page table reveals the real causes of most phenomena, physical problems, mental…
Tự chữa: tự tác động với quả bóng rổ. tự chữa tạng nên mệt nghỉ, uống thêm đường là hết. gầy thì ăn uống tối đa đồ ngon, ngọt, giàu dinh dưỡng, tẩm bổ cho tăng cân, nhanh hết mệt. Còn nghi đường máu, ra nhà thuốc đo 1 tuần 3 lần, thời điểm bất kỳ…
Seasonal Stress in America Stress month of America is the January and February because it is the time to pay the debt on credit card: the highest death rate and heart diseases. The financial burden is so heavy for them because they have overspent on the shopping season and Black Friday before Christmas and New…
Tips to help self-treating Sinusitis, rhinitis, blocked nose, faceache, eye pain, seasonal allergy, chronic coughing, pneumonia, temporary blurring or loss of vision, poor sleeping, tuberculosis, and chronic respiratory problems Poor blood circulation to the head can make cold forehead, insomnia, headache, dizziness, vertigo, sinusitis, rhinitis, seasonal allergy It may be caused by the stiffness of…
Problem-solving skills: are you learning the root or learning tops? New view Retrieved from lessons 3.Problem-solving skills, New view from Awaken you wonderful weMany people complain that they have a lot of work, backing home with many works. Flooding in work, study, and family, they do not have free time for themselves. They start learning problem-solving…