Reading the teaching of Lao Tzu and Buddha, I know that great achievement and happiness comes from the action without expectation, action without condition, or unconditional love. Positive emotion, enthusiasm, energy belong to attitude, that why positive attitude can be understood that taking action vigorously and selflessly without expectation. Positive people take little material but…
AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE: One-page table reveals all the real causes of phenomena and problems: Ability – ADHD, Autism – Depression – Belief system – Gut feelings – Learning -Talent. “From Monday, September 9, 2019, 12:00 AM PDT to Wednesday, September 11, 2019 You Wonderful We: How Do We Create Heaven on Earth? by…
Trả lời cho câu hỏi triết học: phật đã trả lời cả ngàn năm trước rồi. Xin mượn lời phật và Lão Tử để mô tả lại. (the character or language that you do not understand is fine – just only you are not conditioned to read these character – Những chữ bạn không đọc…
“Greed, anger and ignorant, Redefine of happiness, what is the heaven look like? The new way of thinking let us know and treat ADHD, Autism, Depression and Suicide, Homicide, Gunfire, and autoimmune diseases, all social problems and mental problems. And what are the hidden causes?” AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE1. Summary:Sorry, if only when you make…
The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure Van Duy Dao Abstract Observing the autistic kids: Autistic kids lack most social skills, communicating, persuading skills; the language is the product of living environment so kids poor in using native language make us think of the quality and… For Factors that Determine Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, Autoimmune Diseases, All Human Health, illnesses, and Problems.1. Unconditional love:2. Connection: people, animal, diversified nature, understanding with parents.3. Unstressed environment: happy, warm, cheering; then make them have the feeling of safety, certainty to work, try, play, do and fail… they have more skill and abilities to…