Book of the Day June 6th – Temporarily FREE with the rate 3/4 on the Review of the book from OnlineBookClub

[Following is an official review of  AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE”

“The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems:Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them: Ability, Autoimmune diseases, Belief system, Gut feelings, Hysteria, Learning, Learning difficulties, Mental problems, ADHD, Alcohol use disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism, Behavioral disorders, Depression,…” 

by Van Duy Dao.]

Book of the Day June 6th — Temporarily FREE:

Feedback from many people:

Wow! I find your posts amazing and very interesting. For years I’ve thought my son, who is 31, was on the autistic spectrum because he doesn’t get on with others too well, you know he picks and chooses who he wants to be close to and there are times he likes being alone. He works as a motorcycle instructor and is very happy. After reading your stuff, I know now that he is just selective in his life. Thank u for helping me out.Inner peace.Peace comes from within, not without. Stillness in chaos is only come from inside when we know the mind and win it. We know that there are some principles in life, do it steadily, even slowly; we can benefit, success, happiness: with many names or definitions of it. These are the virtues, principles taught by great men, religions, and in many subjects in schools.Do against it or violate it, we may suffer from many names. So I do see autism, Asperger, ADHD, depression have hidden relations. I do learn about these principles or laws. So I feel it. I am not the specialists, but philosophy and all other knowledge make me think better to see the same hidden cause. Pharmacy and science mind help me prove the relation. from a mother to”The hidden relations of autism, ADHD and depression reveal the cause, prediction, and prevention …”Văn Duy Đào Agree. I was a bit anxious being pregnant and had no support system which also increased stress. I also had generational stress within my body (unprocessed emotions from childhood trauma, lack of love, etc). I was a very engaged parent but had to learn from books (no internet, no doctor dx, just books and as I had my guard up on who to trust in the world, I was always skeptical of just any old information, ie my sister tried to tell me about food allergens but I was resistant to understand. The baby was born with low white blood cell count, liver jaundice, and had to stay at the hospital without me. Hospital gave her formula when I wanted to breastfeed only. I was overweight and undernourished because of my (as mentioned) unprocessed emotions which affected my digestion/ability to absorb nutrients. I thank God I was able to be as engaged despite my health issues. She was my everything. However, despite my best efforts, the energy wasn’t as good as it could have been because my energy was waning. I tell her how sorry I am and to please forgive me. She had a great childhood, but she wasn’t happy despite our efforts. She had trouble making/keeping friends. I do feel she is toxic and has an inability to detoxify due to her emotions (anger – liver stagnation. She has gallstones). I try to love her more as she needs extra. We all need extra! Thank you!************************************Nguyen Hoa btw my children are adults now and I know what caused their autism. Their father was exposed to chemicals in the gulf war and our government will not admit the connection. It is called the new agent orange and the government is treating the victims as they did agent orange victims. The sad part is it is ones like my children who bare the price. Thankfully I have been able to reach my children and they know mom is there for them. We have problems but work through them. My kids know if I don’t understand something I won’t give up till I do. This has allowed us the luxury of not having to deal with physical outburst.Nguyen Hoa you are right my son didn’t learn to talk sitting at a table. I used the things he understood. I cut out pics from a book that showed sign language, drew pics and wrote the word. These were all over my house. He learned by applying what was all around him. I just had to learn to teach him just as one would a neurologically typical child. You ask do you want a drink they say yes you hand them a cup with something to drink. We just do it so naturally with children, we do not understand we are teaching them. Teaching a child with autism ADHD(which I was dxed with) or any nontypical dumb down child is learning what stimulates their desire to learn. Some need verbal instructions, others need to be shown and yet others need a combination of this. A very few just need to be let go and they will learn on their own. My daughter has some of the latter learning need. I tried to teach her to crochet at her request. She was excited but could not get it. We watch youtube videos, bought books, etc. She finally one day just sat and played with the yarn with no hook. She figured out how to crochet without hooks then added in the hook but held it different than any examples she saw. Each child is different whether autistic or any other condition or neurologically typical.**************************************No, it is a reaction to shots the mother received during pregnancy and to medications and shots the mother received growing up. Many over the counter medications can have these effects as well as chemicals in food. Notice the trend in disadvantaged children being born. Earlier times babies were coming out deformed physically. After that, babies began to be born with down syndrome. After that babies were becoming born autistic. There are babies that have enameless teeth and missing extremities in that mix after the down syndrome effects. After these birth deformities, we started seeing more cases of children with ADHD/ADD and more children were becoming gender confused. The only way to intervene in such cases. Is genetic modification prior to being impregnated or avoid doctors and any unnatural food products throughout pregnancy. Do research on personal family medical charts to determine what medicinal practices were used to treat anything in the past of the same genes, with injections or tablet medicines.***********************************Thank You, Duy.I am happy there are more people who know we are all humans and we can all heal.As you might have read, I already healed part of my ‘autism’ ��And still integrating more towards oneness with all of myself and with all that is. I am so thankful for this experience and happy to share this with the world. Because I have been there I can show the world it is possible!!And yes, I’m into meditation, healing, energy work. Many experiences of Oneness/Dao /Source… We all are one.Thank you for your offer, and your message,You also are doing great work for humankind!Love, Els

Awaken You Wonderful We: How do we create heaven on earth? The secrets of one-page table reveal the real causes of all phenomena and problems by Van Duy Dao is a nonfiction book that displays all the elements to prove that the world is a giant hologram of interdependent phenomena. It tackles the most popular health problems, causes, symptoms, and recommendations. While most of the modern medications only make temporal relief, Van introduces readers to Eastern philosophy, traditional medicines, healing techniques, and the advantages of using them. Aside from not having a harmful side-effect, the knowledge compiled in this book can save the readers from spending a great amount of money. Curious? Read it!

Children with autism, developmental delays nearly 50 percent more likely to be overweight, obese

October 18, 2018, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Official Review

The information in this book came from a wide variety of educational and research sources. All references were detailed enough with citations and website links without stepping on the copyright-infringement gray zone. The weird traditions and strange habits from around the world were also cited. All of them were new to me other than the use of Henna art during Muslim weddings and the foot-binding issue in China. Scientific research, experiments, and theories were mentioned, too. My heart was squeezed when the Russian scientists in the late 1990s, were experimenting on telepathy using a mother rabbit with her eight newborn kits. The 9 rabbits were killed in the process. 
The book’s detailed presentations involved not only a lot of quotes from both less popular and known personalities, but also an image, poems, song lyrics, informative stories, and tabulations. The author did a great job at listing the alternative medicines and healing techniques to achieve a happy and healthy life. I found the traditional medicines and healing techniques very useful because I am using them. I am not dependent on modern drugs. Among the quotes in this book, I liked this self-explanatory quote from Confucius: “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is the noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” 
Even though I lauded the author for his efforts in compiling every little detail, there were matters noted which I didn’t agree on. To name one, the author wrote that “our gods” died due to the ignorance of the people and used the death of Jesus (peace be upon him) as an example. Jesus (peace be upon him) is not my God. In Islam, he was Allah’s messenger. All the messengers were mortals. My God, Allah (S.W.T.), is the Almighty, the Ever-living, and the Self-subsisting One. I noticed that this book’s table of contents was found at the back. It would have served its purpose if it had been in the front pages. A plethora of subjects overwhelmed me. I suggest keeping the most related matters only and making the book succinct. The grammar errors and syntax problems prevented me from giving this book a perfect rating. 
My final rating for this book is 3 out of 4 stars. I will not hesitate to bump it up after a round of thorough proofreading and editing. I recommend this book to the mature readers only because there were matters tackled that young minds can’t understand yet. Those who are interested to know more on the Eastern philosophy, traditional medicines, and healing techniques should start sinking their teeth on this book. However, those who are not into lengthy reads and those who are not interested in the topics I stated above should better find other books to read.

Awaken you wonderful we: How do we create heaven on earth? The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all …
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Book Cover

3 out of 4 stars

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Time for contemplation: mixing pictures to find out the cause and cure

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