Becareful ascension symptoms, localized and temporary hypoglycemia, hypotension.
Becareful forgotten health problems.
Becareful with these easily treated symptoms, accumulate of it can create illnesses: localized hypotension and localized temporary hypoglycemia accumulated overtime and untreated will become chronic and systemic illness.Diabetic is an example of this. Diabetic patients have high glucose level in the blood vessels but low in the cells, organs. Injection of insulin can only help to transfer glucose from vessels to the cells and organs. Patients suffer diabetic for years can have many other diseases and organs failured.What if Cardiovascular diseases are just mainly vascular diseases. Billions on cells and tissues connect and exchange its substances via the vessels. On the other hands, tiny tiny vessels are the basic structures of organs like lungs, intestine, kidneys, liver, … The trigger points can prevent the circilation of the substances in the blood.

FORGOTTEN STRESS Stress cause insomnia Stress makes poor learning Stress make poor eating Stress makes we act unusually Stress reduces sexing Stress can break school and family. And Maybe Autism, ADHD, depression, and suicide have the key of helping lies in the mechanism of medicine, lifestyle, love, anti-depression medicine, good communities, a good act, kind works; all have the same mechanism of creating happy hormones in the body: serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine. Health comes from balancing.

REDEFINE OF STRESS The right definition of stress: human beings have basic human needs described by Abraham Maslow. Anything threatens of satisfying these needs will lead to Fight and Flight responses. If people cannot change the situation, threaten, they will be the victims of STRESS AND STRESS HORMONES. You will easily find the keys to all social phenomena in: “Awaken You Wonderful We” if you are familiar with the books of Malcolm Gladwell: Outlier, David and Goliath and Blink. These books give me a lot of question to ponder and find out the good answer by combining medicine, pharmacy, sociology, leadership, psychology, philosophy and religions. PARETO IN HEALTH/MEDICINE: Remember when working with the MIND: irrational mind, the giant brain evolved for millions of years, illogical mind and Placebo effects, Neuro-plasticity, Mirror neurons, self affirmation, self-talk, nocebo effects, T1/2 of all substances, taboos, rituals, religious belief, compound effects, CONDITIONED RESPONSES, and MAGICAL ADAPTABILITY, ILLUSIVE MIND, Self healing/destroying, IRRATIONAL THINKING, Subliminal message, Marketing of luxury brand, and Hysteria: what do we feed the mind of beings everyday? AND what if all of these lead to negativity or positivity? Maybe Outliers or Failures! ***************** Feedback: Wow! I find your posts amazing and very interesting. For years I’ve thought my son, who is 31, was on the autistic spectrum because he doesn’t get on with others too well, you know he picks and chooses who he wants to be close to and there are times he likes being alone. He works as a motorcycle instructor and is very happy. After reading your stuff, I know now that he is just selective in his life. Thank u for helping me out. Wow…you are a passionate person for this cause. It is my understanding that because of our innate entanglement it is better for me to see each person as they are in God’s light; not as defined by culture or society. Clearly labels are a part of what you do. This goes against my beliefs. I believe we are each meant to share our love in our own unique way and these people are not really different than anyone else…they are capable of being quite creative when it comes to sharing love yet our cultures would prefer to categorize them to fit ours. Thank You Duy. I am happy there are more people who know we are all humans and we can all heal. As you might have read, I already healed part of my ‘autism’ �� And still integrating more towards oneness with all of myself and with all that is. I am so thankful for this experience and happy to share this with the world. Because I have been there I can show the world it is possible!! And yes, I’m into meditation, healing, energy work. Many experiences of Oneness/Dao /Source… We all are one… thank you for your offer, and your message, You also are doing great work for humankind! Love, Els**********************

Life is art, Life is simple, do not make it complicated. Spirit can never measured by material. Try to logical it, we will hit paradoxical world. Like paradoxical of Socrates. Like emptiness and egolessness when wek try to find what life is. Like the way in Taosim. Best of all, roots of all religions is love, kindness, compassion, virtues and principles. How do we know we are on the right way? Check the greed. Check the anger. If they have these, all words are cheatings. These come from Ingnorance. 8 Noble paths. When we on the right way: we will free from greed, anger and ignorance. Then we can sense inner peace, peace of mind on a chaos life. Reach enlightenment, awaken with knowing nothing. Live with mindfulness. Peace in eating Peace in giving Peace in taking Peace in spending This life is touching, moved, inspired. They are our real friends, called Gods or great men in the history. To the healers: we are only repair the different fruits of same roots. Buddha taught: greed, anger and ignorance are the roots of all suffering. I just have feeling that: autism, adhd, depression, stroke, addcition, violence, gunfire…. are the different names of suffering. Naming to know it, Not naming to seperate it as an seperation entity. You can never find real cause You can never find concrete cause. Because: the world have characters changing, and interdependent, nothing stay the same: we have Planck time. All we live under the hologram. Our 5 senses are too small, too little, too illusive to know what the world is. Just breathing, feel the breathing, *********By finding and removing trigger points in the lungs we can help to treat 2019-nCov, Corona, flu, flu A, cough, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonitis, COPD, chest pain, difficulty breathing, tonsillitis, rhinitis, lungs, flu complication. Continue doing these, we can help all Covid 19 patients recover from Coronavirus complication after discharging.Keys is in flu, Keto flu, seasonal flu (too weak to have the health follow the change of weather). Fat men on Keto diet may have symtoms like the flu, it is not caused by virus, but by the cells and organs hunger for the energy from glucose and the body not yet adapt to digest lipid for energy. All of these symptoms of flu like symptoms of Keto diet can be removed immediately with a glass of sugar or sweet milk.Immune system, forgotten health problems, self healing, simple nutriotion and simple Qigong excercise, Qigong breathing to boost the health and sefl removing forgotten trigger points.From the epidemiology of COVID-19, most fatal cases have many other chronic health problems like problems in cardiovascular. If they have cardio problems and vascular problems, I see the health of the heart has an impact on the health of the lungs.Do covid-19, coronavirus, flu virus reveal that too many people have forgotten, untreated problems in systemic cardiovasculars? Some of its drugs caused Coughing because the lungs contain lots of veins! Test by slightly punching/clapping on the back.The lungs also have lots of veins, tiny veins, which are the basic structure of the lungs – the proof is a kind of drug for high blood pressure treatment has impacts on veins have side effects is coughing. It means that the patients who have cardiovascular diseases also have lung problems. By clapping or punching, we can find it out.Why not think of boosting the immune and using simple alternative healing instead of pouring lots of money finding treatment for untreated diseases caused by virus? The cases of re-affirmed positive after recovering of treatment Covid 19 makes me doubt if there is effective vaccine for Covid 19.Clapping removes trigger points in the lungs, removing the stiffness or rigidity of the vessels, cells in the lungs. Make blood circulate well in the lungs which helps the white blood cells to kill bacteria better. On the other hand, when the lungs are clear, it can take more oxygen and make people feel better, and stop the difficult breathings.Cough is the body reflex when having some problems or stuck in the lungs, the body tries to throw it out by coughing. Punching on the back makes them have great relief. We may call stuck, dust, phlegms, constriction of vessels in the lungs as trigger points.If there are too many trigger points in the lungs, patients will feel healthier in the chest, and difficult breathing. Punching by hands, clubs or rubber hammer quickly and slightly and not create pain, will make the lungs clear, it will make the lungs vibrate to loosen the trigger points and remove it. It makes lung cells healthier and recovers better and facilitates the blood cells to kills the virus.Ask others to do it, or if not, can self do it. It is like a massage for lungs, very safe. And much more effective, much more simple than postural drainage. This is why all can do it, test it and feel the results immediately.The cause of death by COVID -19 comes from difficult breathing, which reduces substantially oxygen saturation. To know the effective for COVID patients, we can try it on people have chronic lung problems which can have acute difficult breathing like asthma, COPD, bronchitis, chronic cough or acute cough.Aim of all therapies should make blood pressure at 120 -130 /80/75 or around it. And the glycemia at 6.0 when hunger and 70 – 9.0 when full. Warm hands, feet, and no trigger points in the body. Right eating, exercise and Qigong make body sweating and warm body. By clapping, we can remove all trigger points in the body. When clap or slight punch on the body, we can feel the trigger points because of strange feelings of pain, numbness. Do it until you feel roughness or normal feelings. We can use a blanket or a towel to cover the upper back, ask patients to lie down, then we clapping, or punching on the back. Right punching/clapping makes patients feel better, calmer, and do not make the pain more or the skin become red.Boost the lungs. to the illness caused by the virus, there is no medicine. But the health of the individuals makes a great difference. There is no medicine for these diseases. But right eating and exercise is the best advice for all. This is an exercise for lungs & removing trigger pointsWe can use hands or rubber hammer to punch or clap on the back. You may feel like this is similar to postural drainage. No, this is better. The postural drainage technique makes patients feel lots of roughness on the back but does not make the lungs vibrate much. Punching on the back makes the whole lungs vibrate, this will make patients breathe easier. Do this in the right degree can be seen as a massage for the lungs to boost the health of the lungs.To know how much the vibration of the vessels and cells in the lungs, just quickly punching on the table, and see the vibrations of dust and objects on the table. If we can punch with a quick rhythm, we can make the lungs vibrate most with the little effort. The more we do for patients, the better the patients feel.On the other hand, removing trigger points in the lungs can boost the health of the lungs, supply well oxygens for all important organs and the whole body in critical situations.Quickly and slightly punch on the back under which there are the lungs, if there are places that the patients feel hurt, pain, breathlessness, causing the coughing or feel comfortable these are the trigger points which can make the lungs ill or pneumonitis. The trigger points I usually find are on the bottom of the lungs. We can remove these trigger points in the lungs by continuous punching on the lungs and the bottom of the lungs, which are the site of trigger points, for about 10 to 30 minutes each time. By asking the feeling of the patients and the sound during punching on the back we can know whether or not the trigger points have been removed?We can use a blanket or a towel to cover the upper back, ask patients to lie down, then we clapping, or punching on the back. Right punching/clapping makes patients feel better, calmer, and do not make the pain more or the skin become red.Combining with the other techniques I described in my articles, “The Cause and Possible Cure for Cancer and Chronic Diseases from Applying Papaya Leaf Juice, Baking Soda, Aspirin, Sugar, Temperature, Vietnamese Qi Gong Breathing, Exercise, Metabolism, and Traditional Medicine” “Removing trigger points and balancing metabolic reactions are the keys to fatigue, nerve pain, chronic illness, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases, vestibular disorder, and neurodegenerative diseases”, we can remove all the trigger points in the body, in other words, we can heal most chronic diseases in a short time.Time to think: Virus, fear and worry, makes people self-reduce from greeds to basic needs. The earth become much cleaner. Needs: just small space, quiet, simple eating, enjoy healthy!Humans are just creatures with a set conditioned belief system (paradigms). Then we may fight, try, sacrified to protect it. Old men said: be careful, not easily being treated to become dummy wise, brave men!!!!*********Life is art, Life is simple, do not make it complicated. Spirit can never measured by material. Try to logical it, we will hit paradoxical world. Like paradoxical of Socrates. Like emptiness and egolessness when we try to find what life is. Like the way in Taosim. Best of all, roots of all religions is love, kindness, compassion, virtues and principles. How do we know we are on the right way? Check the greed. Check the anger. If they have these, all words are cheatings. These come from Ingnorance. 8 Noble paths. When we on the right way: we will free from greed, anger and ignorance. Then we can sense inner peace, peace of mind on a chaos life. Reach enlightenment, awaken with knowing nothing. Live with mindfulness. Peace in eating Peace in giving Peace in taking Peace in spending This life is touching, moved, inspired. They are our real friends, called Gods or great men in the history. To the healers: we are only repair the different fruits of same roots. Buddha taught: greed, anger and ignorance are the roots of all suffering. I just have feeling that: autism, adhd, depression, stroke, addcition, violence, gunfire…. are the different names of suffering. Naming to know it, Not naming to seperate it as an seperation entity. You can never find real cause You can never find concrete cause. Because: the world have characters changing, and interdependent, nothing stay the same: we have Planck time. All we live under the hologram. Our 5 senses are too small, too little, too illusive to know what the world is. Just breathing, feel the breathing, calm the mind, feel the body, watch the thought, contemplate on things: we will find, life is miracle. Try to find the roots: then repair it. We will find it is astonishingly simple and astonishingly effective. This is the Tao This is the way of great men. They find earth is heaven! We are live on heavenly earth. Scientist can never find any place like earth in the distance of millions of light-year. . . . We will fail, if we help and still have full of Greed, Anger and Ignorance! No matter how Rich, Wealthy, Success, powerful we are, we may still suffer lots of these signs. We may still suffer if we still the slave of greed. Greedy men have hundred wants a day, the will not be satisfied with half of that wants, it means they will anger, or not happy, in other words, they may still suffer stress in Abundance living. It is the mind, not the conditioned of living It is the combination of all senses make the eating, living, enjoying or suffering that we may not notice, but it still controls us unconsciously. Ex: will you pay $1000 for hearing a song played by a great violist in the subway? Will you pay $1000 for a delicious meal served on the dirty street sidewalk? Will you enjoy food in the restaurant in five star hotel when you know your kid ill or in danger? Why you need all hundred factors to enjoy a delicious meal in the five-star hotel..
The world, god, you, we and our problems!
We are same but coded differently with Greed, anger, and ignorance. Ego is the by-product, then name, skills, and belief. Here some of weird, stupid ideas to break the rules to find the useful solution.Skills are learned, not born. Speaking any language is a skill also. So lack of/poor speaking in autism, ADHD is born with fix/changeable genes or caused by environment?In the interdependent changing world, What if defects in genes, brain in autism, ADHD, problems are the by-products/symptoms, not the cause of problems?Interdependent changing world, What if defects in genes, brain in autism, ADHD, are the symptoms? Do gods, gender equality, depression, suicide has the relation? What do you think if half of the ideas, prejudice, opinions in Holly Book about human origin, the formation of the earth, gender equality are wrong? What makes them say this? (All are just like fairytales)ALL ARE THE ASSUMPTIONS:Evolve of nature create animals and we, evolve enough human beings have thought. And human being has some basic needs for animals’ needs. We use animal needs to tame animals, so they do to human beings.Miracle nature evolves for billions of years. Coded characters to take all credits of Miracle nature. The vibration you have is the vibration of nature, not Gods. Gods appear recently was the coded character who take all credit for nature. Then they can kill, do evils, inequality for the God sake with less resistance.Violate religious ritual or doubt God if you are Christian will create fear, hysterical responses same as you try another funeral ritual, eastern wedding, eat dog meat; catmeat, or pork ( Islam) beef (Hinduism)WE ARE GOD, ALL ARE GOD, THE LIVING IS THE MIRACLE!Your name is not your name: you may have a different name if your parents liked another name, your language is the product of environment with billions of phenomena create that. Your ritual, habits, voice is unconsciously affected by environment…