AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE ebook is free From Monday, September 9, 2019, 12:00 AM PDT to Wednesday, September 11, 2019

AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE: One-page table reveals all the real causes of phenomena and problems: Ability – ADHD, Autism – Depression – Belief system – Gut feelings – Learning -Talent. “From Monday, September 9, 2019, 12:00 AM PDT to Wednesday, September 11, 2019 You Wonderful We: How Do We Create Heaven on Earth? by Van Duy Dao

Kindly send you my book. the author: “It is great when we can master ourselves and our lives. This will be the mark of the day that together we can help more. Awaken parents, wonderful kids. Awaken teachers, wonderful students. Awaken leaders, wonderful citizens.”Dear specialists, scientists, we know autism, talent, ADHD, outliers are caused by continuous processes, not a single factor. In the changing world, why is Autism so fixed that we dare not to think of curing/ treatment/healing?”Adedayo Adewunmi-Missa This book sounds like a treasure trove of knowledge about alternative medicine and other health related concerns. Congrats to the author on BOTD!Agnes Masobeng Thank you for a free copy, and congratulations on BOTD. I think the book is extremely helpful now that it talks about alternative medicines.Agustina Tamini This book does not sound like my cup of tea. I am not interested in alternative or holistic medicine, but at least it does seem wellresearchedAjani As “Those who are interested to know more on the Eastern philosophy, traditional medicines, and healing techniques should start sinking their teeth on this book”-OBC review. I do not usually read non fiction, but the book sounds informative for those who are interested in these topics. Congrats to the author on the 3/4 OBC rating. Thanks for making the book free.Alixandra Bishop I’ve always been a fan of eastern medicine. Can’t wait to read. Congrats on botd!Amanda Nicole Hupe This sounds like an interesting book that talks about different cures for different health issues. The author really focuses on Eastern practices. Congrats on the book of the day!Amber Etheridge I would have normally passed this book as I’m not usually into philosophical and religious books, but the sample I read has caught my attention. I most definitely will have to check this book out. Congrats on BOTD!Amelia Rose G-ski I don’t like that this book seems to paint ADHD and autism as ills that need to be “solved” rather than different ways of being that require adaptation and adjustment. I do like eastern philosophy though.Amy Reddig This book is a wonderful alternative to medication without the harmful side effects. Congrats on being the BOTD.Ẩn hoặc báo cáo bình luận nàyAndre Kyalo I like the inclusion of the philosophies, healing techniques, and traditions of different cultures across the world. I look forward to reading it. Congrats to the author for BOTD!Andrea Fernández I’m very much open to the idea of incorporating “alternative” methods and different philosophies to treat disease or as a preventive measure to keep health. I think it’s very empowering for us to have information beyond what our mainstream culture says…Xem thêmAndrew Kyalo I like that there are discussions on healing techniques and ways to achieve permanency in good health. Congrats to the author for BOTD!Annett Ritter Because I am very much into alternative medicine I am going to try and give this book a read. I do have a hard time with a lot of errors, however, so hopefully, those are fixed.Annie Clark I am going to have an open mind on this one. After reading the review, it did not click for me. I am sure this book is what the reviewer says it is, Congratulations to the author for being BOTD.Arodola Olayide Oladoyinbo “Awaken you wonderful we: How do we create heaven on earth? The secret of one page table reveal all the real causes of all phe” by Van Duy Dao seems like an interesting book for lovers of this genre. I am not a fan of controversial issues about religion, so, I think I will pass on this one.Barbara Ryan I like to consider myself to be relatively well educated. I’m aware of the four chemicals that our bodies create for happuness. I’ve used some of these techniques dealing with chronic pain. They work in conjunction with medications to provide sone reli…Xem thêmBella Hough *eastern medicine!Bella Hough Philosophy centered on western medicine is certainly interesting subject matter, but after reading the review and the sample this one simply isn’t for me, especially with the addition of the syntax and grammatical errors. Nonetheless, congrats to the author on BOTD.Bitok Chepkemei This may not be my typical book, but there’s no harm in learning new stuff. I look forward to understanding more about the Eastern practices. Thanks for the review.Bobandpriscilla Allen I do believe in some alternative medicine, so I would probably enjoy reading this book.Brenda Creech I really like the books title! I am going to give this one a try because I am trying to find natural supplements that would get me off these killer prescription meds I am on! I’m very interested in reading about Eastern medicine too. Congratulations On Book some moreBrittani Diana Even though the English translation of this book is not well done, the ideas and quotes and things to learn from it are worth reading.Busisiwe MakhanyaDescription: Thank you for the book, I am very curious about the comparison between Christianity and Islam.Ca Ar Covering a wide variety of topics, from Eastern medicine to strange habits from around the world, it sounds like this book may be a treasure trove of interesting ideas, stories, and anecdotes.Carolin Zeroni A non-fiction book revolving around Eastern philosophy, traditional medicines, and alternatives medicines sounds like a good read for fans of the genre. The author claims that all phenomena and health problems sources from one common cause, supports his claims with scientific research and gives health tips. I got a copy. Thank you for making it free and good luck!Catherine Amarachi Okechi The review was great but unfortunately I’m not a fan of this genre of literature.Catherine-Kay Butler Although I do enjoy this author’s content on alternative health and philosophy, the mention of “our gods” and negativity towards Jesus turned me off. There were too many English and grammatical errors for me to read too far into the book. I hope better editing can be done.Cecilia Lynne A book teaching Eastern philosophy is not my cup of tea, but congrats on BOTD!Charles Jackson Yikes that’s a REALLY long Amazon description, and it really needs to be edited… I’m interested in what’s in the book itself, but if the writing is anything like the Amazon description, I’m out. Congrats on BOTD and thanks for the free book though, the rating of 3 out of 4 stars from OBC is promising 😀Chigozie Anuli Mbadugha An interesting nonfiction book about preventing autism, ADHD and PTSD by controlling events around us and our response to them. I definitely want to read this book. Congrats on BOTD!Chinyere Ejiogu I am intrigued by the use of traditional healing and medicine. I guess the book has a lot of information to pass to its readers .Chris Prueher This one appears to take on the daunting task of solving a lot of afflictions that humanity suffers by way of mental malady. It would seem that this contains a lot of deep thinking and problem solving to give way for a healthier way of living.Christina Stan Among many other things, when a book so complex, beneficial and rich in healing techniques and traditional medicine is given for free, I feel fortunate to be a corpuscle of this book club. The contents of the book seem to be overwhelming, but with litt…Xem thêmChristine Faith This book touches on a lot of topics that society seems to think as taboo. Eastern philosophy, traditional medicines, and healing techniques such as spiritual awakening are a few things inside here. Backed up with links to website and some scientific p…Xem thêmChristine Gerler Given all the complex topics, it would be beneficial for the “Table of Contents” to be in the front, not in the back. I look forward to delving into this deep, thought-provoking book. I got my #free copy, thank you. Congratulations on #BOTD!Cindy Roldan Good review. This book seems to have picked my curiosity just because I would love to see what the author says about traditional medicines and techniques. I’m pretty open to see what others views are on religion even though it doesn’t sway my faith. I’ll add this to my books to read.Coffey ReviewsDescription: This book is not for me, but it sounds intellectual. The review said it is well researched, which is very important for these topics. I appreciate all the hard work put into this book. Congrats on #BOTDCossondra Dunn Howard This is a very interesting look at our inner selves. Thank you for the free book, and Congrats on #BOTD!Cristina Chifane All the editing errors lead to major problems of coherence and cohesion, making the book impossible to read. Honestly, I don’t think anybody could ever reach any level of spiritual awakening by reading this book.Crystal Cundall This book starts out very interesting. I have an emergency medical background and found the information very accurate and thorough. I wanted to read more to see where it would lead. The review is interesting as the person is a believer in Allah and …Xem thêmDeborah Fiedler Congrats on BOTD!!! This sounds like a beautifully written book about alternative medicine with practical advice and flourishes!Description: 🙂Eglė Baltrūnaitė The weird traditions and strange habits from around the world sounds very appealing to me. I’d probably skip the parts related to the religion though.Ekta Kumari An insightful read covering a wide range of topics about different phenomenon of mind and body. Also details on alternative medicine for health issues. I like how the author has referenced a number of scientific research and studies to add credibility to the book. Congratulations to the author on today’s BOTD!El Sereen I would love to read the book for the aspect that explains how to utilize money spending and health issues tackling strategies, and nothing more.Elaine Moraa Omwango As a person who’s very interested in mental health and natural remedies, I think I’ll enjoy this. I’m looking forward to picking it up, just hope it doesn’t read too much like a lecture. Congrats on BOTD!Elena Spirkovska Awaken you wonderful we: How do we create heaven on earth? sounds like a very interesting read. Congrats on BOTD.Elizabeth Pass This book sounds very dense. I appreciate how thorough the author was in regards to research and citations, but sometimes the point one is trying to make can get lost in the fact-sharing. Also, I’m not currently interested in reading about medicine.Elle Gatillo Intriguing! The author outlined some of the questions I also have for myself. I wonder how he answred those in the book. I’m looking forward to read his opinion on it. Congratulations to the author on #BOTD!Ferdinand Otieno This is a non-fiction book that tackles medical diseases and diagnoses possible prescriptions. It tackles autism, depression and suggests meditation. The book is temporarily free on Amazon Kindle and has a well-written OnlineBookClub review. Congrats @duyvan64 on the BOTD.Frank Q. Aurillo Jr. This is an amazing book. It approaches a realm that perhaps may not agree with traditional thinking especially in the area of health and well-being. It explains the validity of natural medicines and process of healing that are the exact opposite of modern pharmacology. The advocacy of Big Pharma on this point begins to unravel. CongratulationsFu Zaila I don’t think autism is a disease that needs special attention. There are so many autistic individuals who’ve been successful and are living among us without our knowledge. However, I would be sampling the book to see how the author tackles the topics of healing and awakening.Gwen Arwa Alternative treatment for different ailments is surely an interesting read. Congratulations on BOTDHansen Adcock This sounds like a good book to learn about Eastern medicine from. The only thing that rankles is, things like autism and ADHD aren’t diseases, and some people with those conditions don’t actually want to be “healed” or looked upon as if they are victims of disease. In any case, I will see what the book has to say. Congrats on BOTD.Heather Richards Interesting book for people who like Eastern medicine.Hiruni Bhagya This looks like a great book. Alternative ways to manage chronic illnesses will be helpful to many individuals. I’ll definitely be reading this book.Hoa NguyenDescription: Cecilia Lynne what if it is the combination of Western and Eastern philosophy? We write based on education, leadership, personal development, medication, science and philosophy.Hoa NguyenDescription: Elizabeth Pass it is about education and philosophy alsoHoa NguyenDescription: Julius Otieno what if it is the combination of Western and Eastern philosophy? We write based on education, leadership, personal development, medication, science and philosophy.Hoa NguyenDescription: Savanna Gill much more simpler than you think. We will explain you the simple cure for most of chronic pain in near futureHoa NguyenDescription: Savanna Gill what if some kinds of headache come from stiffness in shoulder muscle or from low blood pressure? What your medication can help? How to remove these headache?Howard Jones I think this book will appeal to a lot of readers who are interested in Eastern philosophy and medicine. I would be curious to know more about the telepathy experiments. Thanks!Ianne Deligero The way the author did the research for this book is amazing. I want to read it not just because of the information that I will surely be able to learn and use but how the author did a magnificent work on writing this book.Jackie Harris Overmyer This book introduces and explains Eastern medicinal practices and religious views. It sounds interesting to me. Congratulations to the author for being chosen as BOTD.Jamie Lynn This isn’t a book I could get into but I know a few people who would. I’m a fantasy horror reader and tear up when the characters in the books I read die or are harmed… I would absolutely be devastated to read about what they did back in the day to people and even animals. Congrats on BOTD!Janalyn Prude I think this is a great book, but I think it would have been more palatable had it been shorter. Most people seeking this kind of knowledge will be happy to read a 15 hour book. I do appreciate the index/table of contents though. It made it easier to find the parts I was interested in. Congratulations on BOTD!Japanime Sekai Sounds like this book covers a lot of information. I’m intrigued by the traditional healing and medicine.Jeconiah Omolo I like it that this book tackles the most popular health problems, causes, symptoms, and recommendations. These are some of the contemporary topics anybody would be interested to know about. I won’t care about it’s length due to my curiosity to know about the topics. Thanks for the free copy.Jesse Presgraves It is so interesting to see a perspective other than a Christian background from a review. Based on the title of the book, I was already uninterested and the review didn’t make me feel like I had to read this book, despite a 3 star rating. I will probably pass as it doesn’t sound like it’s for me.Jolly Per I really like topics that has something to do with alternative and holistic treatments and prevention methods to achieve optimal health. Although I am not sure if this book os for me. This could be overwhelming based on the OBC official review. Thank you though.Julia Scher This sounds like an interesting way to merge religion and medicine. Congrats on botd!Julie Ancone PetitBon It sounds like the author has vast knowledge on eastern philosophy and medicine. This is a topic that I am interested in exploring. Congrats on BOTD!Julie Julehart This book sounds interesting. It’s a self-help book about dealing with different diseases with alternative methods, such as Eastern philosophy. This is a valuable book for people that are looking for other means of treatment than just popular medications. Congratulations on BOTD. Great job.Julie Wozniak This book talks about different philosophies and treatment of illnesses. I want to read it to do a comparative analysis of different treatments of certain illnesses.Julius Otieno Honestly, the title of this book is a coplete turn-off. So the author couldnt find anything shorter? I appriciate the free book but no thanks, i wont read it. Anyway congrats for the #BOTDKajori Sheryl Paul This seems like a deep book dealing with philosophical aspects.

Congratulations to the author.Kelsey Whalen This sounds like a fascinating read! I am interested in Eastern medicine and holistic approaches, so this appeals to me. However, I find it hard to get past the grammar and syntax errors. Hopefully these get fixed so the book can enjoy its full potential. Congratulations on BOTD!Kibet HillaryCongratulations to the author on BOTD and thanks for the free copy of the book as well. I have added this to my list of books to be read.Kimberly Hays Grow While I am intrigued by Eastern medicine and philosophy, this book is not for me. I do thank you for the free copy and Congratulations on being chosen as BOTD!Kister Bless Awaken you wonderful we: How do we create heaven on earth? The secret of one page table reveal all the real causes of all phe by Van Duy Dao sounds like one of those books a reader can not overlook especially the fact that the book tackles the most popular health problems, causes, symptoms, and recommendations. I will love to read it. Congratulations on the BOTD.Kristy Khem This book provides readers with alternative healing methods for autism and other diseases, as well as provides discussions on philosophy. This book may offer a different approach to understanding life and people. Best wishes to the author. I hope that the message reaches the wider society and helps many individuals.Laura Ungureanu A book about alternative healing techniques sounds interesting. We have a lot to learn from the Eastern medicine.Linda Buzard-Moffitt Congrats #Free #BOTD #KU #Meditation 
Are #Autism, #Depression, #Obesity, #ADHD, #PoorLearning, #Stress, #Seizures, #Drugs, #Violence & #PTSD Created by a Stoppable process? The Problems Grow from Small to Impossible Sense them when they’re Small & Stop them Before they’re Impossible.Lindsey Klaus I love Eastern philosophy. While I don’t always agree with “alternative medicine”, I do find it an interesting topic, especially with my forays into Chinese mythology and philosophy. I’ll have to give this a look.Lisa Allen Rayburn I enjoy learning about alternative medicines so I appreciate that the author goes into them. It’s unfortunate that the book contains so many errors. I think these would be too distracting for me, so I will pass. Congrats on BOTD though!Lois Henderson Interesting read for anyone interested in alternative medicine, but extremely offputting because of the multiple errors present.Lorraine De Vos This book starts off with a note to all parents and how they must focus on allowing their children to learn naturally. Children learn to speak, walk and play naturally and they should do so without fear or stress. I can see the relevance of this letter, as I too believe fear and stress causes long term damage to our fragile bodies and minds.Lsaac Onoka This book seems to be a great book for alternative medication and healing techniques other than the convectional medication. I like the fact that it is well-researched too. Congrats to the #author on the #BOTD!Ma Dolores Casquejo Martus Awaken You Wonderful We by Van Duy Dao is a nonfiction book that displays all the elements to prove that the world is a giant hologram of interdependent phenomena. It tackles the most popular health problems, causes, symptoms, and recommendations. Whil…Xem thêmMaduagwu Anthony Uchechukwu This book is awesome. I admire that fact that book talks about healing techniques for most popular health problems, their symptoms, and traditional medicine. The book is informative.Manang Muyang Thanks for the free copy. The sample went over my head, though. Maybe the table of contents will give me perspective. Fifteen hours of continuous reading isn’t too inviting; using the book as a reference might be the ideal way to appreciate it.Margo Burskaja I am grateful for how well detailed the book is portrayed in review, but unfortunately I am still unconvinced that I would be able to enjoy this book. It is not only that I dislike read non-fiction, but medicine, philosophy and mental issues are not among my preferred topics as well.Marinda Hatcher-Grindstaff This self help book sounds like it will help many but not my genre but grabbed a free copy and congratulations on being BOTD.Marsha Parham PattersonDescription: Not for meMindy Anne This sounds like a book that offers a lot to its readers. I’d like to take a look at it and see what it is all about.Misael S. Carlos It is refreshing to read nonfiction books from time to time, a break from fiction novels from different genres. This book seems to offer real stories and a lot of information well-researched and backed by facts. Congrats!Monet van Antwerpen A self help book focusing on eastern philosophy, traditional medicines, and alternatives medicines sounds like an interesting new take on self help! Not my kind of book but seems like it’s going to be a good one. Congrats on BOTDMonica SzymonikDescription: I have a son with autism and I am a huge follower of Eastern Medicine. For those reasons, this book is for me!Moushmi Radhanpara This books sounds just like the one which you would need in times of distress or someone who is seeking help from depression and emotional turmoil. However I am not much of a self-help reader so I shall pass. Congratulations and thank you.Nadine ForsbergDescription: I love how this challenges modern beliefs about medicine. I think we should all read this.Nameeta Renu The “we” in the title of this book immediately captured my attention. Sounds very interesting. Hope I’ll be able to read it too. Thanks for the BOTD!Nancy Horn Its always fascinating to see how an author views different subject’s and then lays out for the reader, food for thought in a way that may resonate more then another might have. Thanks for the free download
and Congratulations on BOTD!Nandanee L Maharaj This one seems to be an absolute goldmine so to speak,,,I can’t wait to delve into the depths of this bookNata Lie I am afraid such deep philosophy is beyond my measure. Call me dumb if you will, but I don’t think it is necessary to search double meaning in every single little bit that added in total makes it life worth living. Congrats with reaching BOTD all the same!Navya Pindi After reading the review, I wanted to know about the Eastern Philosophy, traditional medicine and healing techniques. It seems that the author has done a good research and great work in compiling all these things together. Congrats on BOTD!Nerea Nesh I like that the information in the book is educational and we’ll researched. I do read non-fiction books, but I’m not a fan of reading lengthy books. The book is not for me. This book is ideal for researchers or philosophers.Nicky Agnew This book, “Awaken You Wonderful We: How Do We Create Heaven on Earth?” by Van Duy Dao is sounds like a self-help style and appears to really not be my cup of tea. However I will attempt a chapter or two just to keep an open mind, Congratulations on BOTD.Nina Lobiladze Sounds like a very interesting and educational read. Eastern medicine and its traditions are so worth exploring.Nisha Amanda Ward The grammar and syntax are a bit off for me but I think I might continue this. The bits about the chemicals that cause happiness caught my interest.Nivi Gideon Very informative and educational for those who opt for natural remedies for physical ailments. The book is quite elaborate, but it does provide a number of sound quotes and advice for one’s well being.Noor S I enjoy reading these kinds of books, because people put their entire life philosophies into them. Everything is neatly packaged into a close-looped and perfectly formed system of “this is how the world works, and how it can get better.” They make very…Xem thêmNuel Ukah This seems like a great guide to treating the root cause of various illnesses. I think it’s worth reading.Nyree Cabéan First thank you for the honest review.i am a person trying to live a more nature life, holistic healing versus modern medicine as much as I can. I’m just starting so I’m not completely switched over. I dont normally read books like this unless I’m rese…Xem thêmOkafor Prosper I’m always up for reading health books. It seems like the book does a good job of explaining the use of alternative medicine and its advantages. I still think drugs have a role to play in health though.Oyedeji OkikioluwaDescription: This book sound like one for open minded and mature heart. From the preview, I see the author explain the causes of sicknesses (problems) and alternative solutions that have over the time being proven. Great book to read.Paulette Reefer Alternative treatments for different ailments not even considered lifestyle diseases is quite an interesting proposition. I look forward to reading this book.Polina Donchuk I think this is one of those books that I’ve always wanted to read, even though I never really thought about it. It raises such important issues and I feel that everyone will benefit from reading this book. Congratulations to the authorPooja Kapadia Seems like this one’s a knowledge trove about medicine and eastern philosophy. Congratulations on BOTD!Raa Zez For sure, this one’s not for me. How could religious things be dragged into a book which explores alternative medicines? Thanks for the free book and congrats on the BOTD though.Rebeccah Githenya I like that the author has taken time to research and put together Eastern philosophy, traditional medicines, healing techniques, and the advantages of each. All these as remedies to popular health problems. With so many people seeking holistic remedies, this is a timely book.Rissy Persaud New and refreshing perspectivesRobin SloneDescription: My son has Autism and ADHD. I have recently discovered I also have ADHD. I can’t wait to see what this book has to offer in regards to these life altering issues. I’m also trying to sway away from prescriptions and am learning more about natural remedies, so that will be a bonus for me.Rosina AlmavivaDescription: I really liked this book. It discusses some of the biggest problems of our society. Great reading. Congratulations!Roxanne A D Marcano It’s interesting when author’s claims to have found or re-introduce alternative methods to treat diseases. I would like to know more about Eastern philosophy and Eastern Medicine and how it can be used to treat diseases such as autism and depression.Ruba Abu Ali This is such a useful book for those interested in Eastern philosophy and Eastern Medicine. Congratulations on BOTD!Ruslana Kats I’m not sure this book is for me but it does sound pretty interesting. It is very educational to read about Eastern philosophy, traditional medicines, healing techniques, and the advantages of using them. Besides it tells about the traditions and strange habits from around the world so it will definitely satisfy the tastes of lots of people. Congratulations on becoming BOTD!Samantha Holtsclaw I think that if the subjects and information were narrowed down, then I would be interested in checking this book out.Sambina Gamgee This book lists out all references in detail and with citations and website links. That is something that makes it credible to readers. The first chapter isn’t too engaging, but the book picks up right after.Sanju Lali Very useful Eastern philosophy book “Awaken you wonderful we: How do we create heaven on earth? The secret of one page table reveal all the real causes of all phe” by Van Duy Dao tries to prove that the world is a hologram of interdependent phenomena , and it introduces Eastern medicines and healing techniques to us.Sara Sara The book sounds informative as it provides much knowledge about eastern medicines and meditation philosophy. It’s good to see that the author put many aspects together. Congratulations on BOTD.Sarah Salo Creeley I’m curious what the author has to say about healing these afflictions in the Eastern way. It sounds like quite a deep and well-researched book. Congrats on book of the day! Thanks for the free copy and good luck!Savanna Gill The book seems to be very interesting, and is clearly a passion project of the author’s that they worked very hard on. I like it more as a philosophy piece rather than a serious medical reference, however. The synopsis almost made it seem that seriou…Xem thêmScarlet NicollDescription: Interesting! Traditional medicines do have a better effect than the modern medicine, which leads from one problem to another, but this type of read doesn’t interest me. Congratulations!Sharmila Fernandes A non-fiction book on eastern philosophy and traditional medicines sound like a good guide. I feel modern medicines do more harm to your body. It’s always good to have alternatives. Congratulations on BOTD.Shea Bennett Beebe This is an interesting subject. I can certainly appreciate all the research necessary to present alternative medicine practices. Congratulations on BOTD!Sherry Jibril This book doesn’t capture my attention right now. I’m however glad that the author did a great job by giving a thorough explanation of each subject. I’m also glad that it was an enjoyable read for you. Great bookShiela Neo Jung I think its nice that nowadays people are more open to alternative medicines rather than just relying on modern medicine. I like that the author did an intensive research to share to his readers so that they can have options.Shilpa Paul Congratulations for BOTD. This book would be very helpful for people looking out for alternative way to heal without any side effects and not spending a bomb. I will definitely download this book for future reference. Thanks for making it available for free.·         Shrabastee Tora Chakraborty This self-help book sounds like an extremely potent one with powerful messages to deliver. Congratson BOTD!Silver Haron A book with good information about great ways we can master ourselves and our lives by applying a variety of philosophies, healing techniques, and traditions #Outliers #Depression #Health#MeditationSkhumbuzo Neewat Luwattlyn Renetio The name of the book sounds like is based on spiritual matters (bringing the Immortals on earth) although it is very assential in the bases of improving health conditions.Srividya Giri This seems like a book with deep philosophical ponderings combining Eastern mysticism and science.Stephanie Elizabeth Wow what a long name for a book! A non-fiction book about relying on holistic approaches to healing and treating the root of the problem. Looks like an informative guide with lots of tips!Stephanie Hoogstad I do not belong to any specific religious or spiritual practice, so I am open to learning about the practices of any culture. I’m especially interested in Eastern traditions such as Eastern philosophy and medicine. Honestly, I’ve been trying to cure so…Xem thêmSue Escritora “Awaken You Wonderful We: How Do We Create Heaven on Earth?” is a self-help book by Van Duy Dao about alternative ways to manage chronic illness. Congratulations on BOTD!!Susmita Roy Awaken You Wonderful We by Van Duy Dao is really a wonderful book. Nowadays, we should understand that medication is not a permanent solution for any disease. Thanks for the free copy. Congratulations on #botd.Swati Shah I applaud the author for courage in publishing his writings. It sounds well-researched and cited which I appreciate in nonfiction. But this isn’t my type of readingTammy Landgren I’m always suspicious when I see books that make bold claims like this, but I will check it out and see what it has to say.Tara Tara Filled with well-researched theories of the world about how we learn and develop, today’s #BOTD is a thought-provoking, complex read. It has the potential to challenge our own thoughts and “truths” about what we think are determining factors in many of…Xem thêmTheresa Moffitt Congratulations on BOTD this sounds like an interesting book addressing cures for various health concerns. The author provides a lot of detailed informationTim Odwyer From a sampling, this seems like an interesting self-help book about alternatives in healing and medicine. Well done. Congrats!Tim Terry I will be interested to read this as I am a great believer in alternative therapies and old medicine as well. Thanks for the download and congratulations on BOTD.Tracy Tiffany I immediately distrust a book that espouses solving all ills. Don’t think I will spend any time with this one.Trina High Thanks for the freebie, but I dislike self-help books, ESPECIALLY tomes about alternative medicine and healing, so this one’s a ‘no’ for me.Tristen BackDescription: As a social work major in college, I definitely find this interesting. I’m curious to see what the author has to say and see what health tips are provided. Thank you!Tunde Rotimi This sounds like a book that one should take your time in reading; it has deep subject that requires thought. I also like the idea of resorting to alternative treatments and prevention methods to achieve a better, healthy lifestyle.Tuyet Mai I’m intrigued by the eastern philosophy and traditional healing techniques featured in this book. Thank you for the free copy and congrats on BOTD!Verna Coy The historical inaccuracies in this book regarding Jesus pose a problem for me reading it, so I will likely pass on this.Congrats on the Book of the Day!Vickie Noel This book sounds quite lengthy and doesn’t seem to contain the type of medically inclined information I tend to read on good days. I would be skipping it. Congrats on BOTD, though.Wael El-Manzalawy Mediation helps you to know more about yourself and the world.Wendy BryerDescription: Eastern philosophy and techniques to replace modern medicine. Very insightful though not a book for me. Congrats on #BOTD!!Yolimari García ‪This philosophical nonfiction book discusses conditions like depression, ADHD, obesity and gives alternative methods to treat these. I will pass. Good luck!·         

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure from Van Dao DuyExplore alternative ways to manage chronic illness, especially with our children:

AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE ebook is free From Monday, September 9, 2019, 12:00 AM PDT to Wednesday, September 11, 2019 from Van Dao Duy

Chung tay kết nối với tây y, khí công qua sinh hóa, chuyển hóa. from Van Dao Duy

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